+49 6691 9273338 info@artwelding.de
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Legal notice

Details for the purpose of section §5 TMG:

ARTwelding GmbH
In der Aue 14
34613 Schwalmstadt

Phone: +49 6691 / 9273338
Fax: +49 6691 /9273339


Managing Directors: Tommy Hartmann / Rasul Hartmann
Local district court Marburg HRB 6296
Tax ID number: DE 290085307


Whilst we have taken every reasonable precaution and care in compiling this website, we do not accept any liability for its contents being correct, complete and up-to-date. According to sec. 7 para. 1 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG), we are as service provider responsible for our own contents on these pages being subject to the general German laws. However, according to secs. 8 to 10 TMG it is not our responsibility as service provide to control third-party information which we have transmitted or stored or to search for circumstances which indicate any illegal action. Our responsibiliy to delete certain information or block the use thereof according to the general German laws remains unaffected. A liability in this context can only be accepted from the time when we obtain knowledge of any concrete violation. After discovery of any such violation we will delete the respective contents immediately.

Our offer includes links to external websites of third parties. The contents of such linked pages are beyond our influence and thus we do not accept any liability for them. Only the provider or operator of these linked pages may be liable for their contents. At the time of linking, these websites were checked for any potential violation of rights and no illegal contents could be identified. However, a permanent control of the contents of such linked websites would be unreasonable without any concrete indications for a violation. After discovery of any such violation we will delete the respective links immediately.

The contents and works on this website compiled by its operator are protected by German copyright law. Any reproduction, editing, redistribution and any other use other than permitted by German copyright law is subject to the prior written consent of the respective author or originator. You may download and copy these pages for your own personal and uncommercial use only. As far as the contents on this page were not created by the operator, these contents are subject to the copyright of third parties. Particularly, third party contents are marked as such. If you become aware of any copyright violation we kindly ask you to inform us thereof. After discovery of such violation we will delete the respective contents immediately.